Chris New: Taking Each Opportunity as it Comes
Chris New is currently starring as Joe Orton in the play Prick Up Your Ears. Knight Hooson discovers a modest young actor enjoying an inspired career. […]
Chris New is currently starring as Joe Orton in the play Prick Up Your Ears. Knight Hooson discovers a modest young actor enjoying an inspired career. […]
Secrets from the Casting Couch came to life because I know so many actors who say, “I'm just bad at auditioning.” Writes Nancy Bishop. […]
Simon Greiff is a jobbing actor with major West End and film credits. He holds a unique position in the London Casting scene, writes Knight Hooson. […]
Neil Rutherford is Head of Casting for the Ambassador Theatre Group. He shares with us his top audition DOs and DON'Ts. […]
Speaking in Tongues Speaking in Tongues is a new piece of theatre that originally premiered on Broadway. Written by Andrew Bovell whose previous work includes Baz Luhrmann's Strictly Ballroom, Speaking in Tongues is a high […]
Insane in the Brain If you haven't heard of Bounce, then where have you been hiding yourself?! They're one of the UK's most exciting dance companies and are famous for creating high energy, imaginative street-dance […]
I left drama school feeling quite smug. My graduating year had been somewhat of a personal triumph, writes Karla Crome. […]
Innovative theatre company Slung Low are rounding up the troops and getting ready to land on Salford for their latest landmark production, writes Francesca Waite. Slung Low are one of the most groundbreaking theatre companies […]
As my second full-length play Public Property opens in the West End, I am as excited as the child that got the puppy for Christmas, writes Sam Peter Jackson. […]
…Thank you. “Is that good?” You ask yourself. Does that mean “I was perfect, the job is mine” or perhaps “You suck, get out of my audition room”? Writes Daniella Gibb. […]
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