Those select few get the opportunity to experience the most demanding, comprehensive and rewarding training for today’s aspiring actor at the NYCDA.
Many industry insiders consider NYCDA as the premier actor training center in the United States, but acting experience is not a prerequisite for admission.
What all students do have is that rare combination of traits that simply cannot be taught: instinctive acting talent and an insatiable drive to succeed.
NYCDA provides an environment where faculty and staff are invested in the success of every student. The college offers a choice of comprehensive programs to help launch the student’s career.
Become a “triple threat” who is equally at home on stage and on camera
If the students dream of a life in TV and film, there’s no better training than their Film and Television Performance Program. And if students want to broaden their career opportunities to include the theatre – and become a “triple threat” who is equally at home on stage and on camera – NYCDA's Theater, Film and Television Performance Program is perfect for them.
Since students don’t have to choose a path until the end of the Platform Year, they will have ample time to explore the differences, start discovering who they are as an actor, and feel confident in the direction they take.
NYCDA is also home to the largest independent casting facility on the East Coast. Many students do their internships right here in the building, learning the inner workings of the industry while forming relationships with some of the very professionals they need to impress after graduation. Students ultimately perform for a professional jury, assembled from the show business power centres on both coasts and end up with a fully produced DVD (Final Reel) of their final performance.
For more information on NYCDA and their London audition on 10th April 2010, visit www.sft.edu/auditions/auditions-schedule
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