Gareth Fordred is a founding member of the faction theatre co. In the 2012 Rep Season he is playing Malvolio in Twelfth Night, Leicester in Mary Stuart and a reveller in Miss Julie.
Uncovering The Faction #10: A View From The Wing
‘‘Sit still, Shai!’
The point of view that the audience never sees.
You can keep your Circle, stuff your Stalls and The Gods can go hang. The best place to watch a show is – The Wings.
Top Rep Season Wing Perspectives:
1 – Twelfth Night: The Friar’s disembodied hand.
I have the pleasure of being page turner to Richard Delaney’s Priest (still not off-book after how many weeks, Dicky?) The view of the cast on stage struggling to hold it together while Dicky hams it up is priceless. My hand holding the script tends to tremble as I bury my face in my arm to keep quiet.
2 – Twelfth Night: Aguecheek’s collapse.
After being punched by Sebastian Jonny McPherson always has a crowd of fellow cast members huddling nightly in the wing waiting for his extraordinary acme-esque slide down the wall. Badly described, best watched. In fact, most of Jonny’s Aguecheek is a one-man comedy show which is best watched.
3 – Mary Stuart: Kennedy to the rescue.
Leonie Hill revving herself up, as she gears into her screaming entrance to save Mary Stuart from attempted rape. Ears are plugged firmly with fingers, and stand well clear.
4 – Miss Julie: Shai Matheson.
Any time he is required to sit still.
The Faction’s Rep Season opens @ The New Diorama Theatre, NW1 3BF
Jan 6th – Feb 18th a cast of 11 perform Twelfth Night, Mary Stuart and Miss Julie
Visit www.thefaction.org.uk for times and tickets
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